Hello pigeon fanciers all over the world! My name is Geert De Coninck and I live in Beveren, Belgium.
Since 2002 I have specialized in
international pigeon races and Barcelona is my favourite race.
My aim has always been to obtain valuable results with a small colony of pigeons and a simple treatment and lodging system.
With this in mind I obtained pigeons
from L.Van Coppenolle, R.De Meester, M.Lemahieu, C. and A. Catry, H.De Jonghe and Interpalomas Lofts of H. De Weerd.
This gives a successful mixture
of the old Belgian and Dutch Aarden bloodlines.
All of my pigeons are raced on the natural system.
When surfing through the website you will see that this method has been successful so far on the provincial and
national level...and the next level is international!
A very warm welcome!